CQI Q GRADER咖啡品質鑑定士課程報名 2025/02/17(一) ~ 2025/02/22(六)
CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師課程報名現已開放!對於熱愛咖啡並渴望提升品質評估技巧的您,這個課程專為熱愛咖啡並希望在感官與品質評鑑方面精進自己的技能的人而設計。立即報名,開啟咖啡品質鑑定師之旅!
CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師課程報名現已開放!對於熱愛咖啡並渴望提升品質評估技巧的您,這個課程專為熱愛咖啡並希望在感官與品質評鑑方面精進自己的技能的人而設計。立即報名,開啟咖啡品質鑑定師之旅!
這個課程將使您深入了解咖啡品質評估的技巧和知識,並掌握專業的品質評級技能。您將參與咖啡知識的學習與實際感官評鑑的訓練,學習如何進行咖啡的感官評鑑、香氣辨識、風味評定等…….。如果您希望成為一位咖啡品質評級師並取得Q Grader認證,請即報名參加此課程。我們期待與您一同探索咖啡的品質世界!
Q Grader 證照是發源於美國,發行機構「國際咖啡品質協會(Coffee Quality Institute, 簡稱 CQI)」,制訂的 Q Grader課程與證照,是當今最具代表性的杯測師訓練課程及認證系統;其依照不同的咖啡品種,被劃分為兩個系統:
-Q Arabica Grader (Q Grader 阿拉比卡)
-Q Robusta Grader (R Grader 羅布斯塔)
國際咖啡品質協會Coffee Quality Institute, 簡稱 CQI , 是為非營利機構,目的是為促進全球咖啡品質和提高咖啡農的生活水準。CQI 透過向廣大咖啡生產者及產業鏈中的其他個人;或團體提供訓練、技術支援,從而實現咖啡增產、增值及可持續發展的目標。並於此同時,促進咖啡生產國基礎設施建設,提高咖啡品質,提高咖啡農的收入。
Q Grader 是目前世界上最嚴格的咖啡感官測試系統之一,與普通的咖啡師認證不同,Q Grader 更偏重咖啡杯測、生熟豆檢驗、咖啡烘焙檢測及感官評價等,因此對 Q Grader持有者有更高層次的要求。CQI 對於考證的要求是非常嚴謹的,需經過為期六天的課程訓練與測驗。學員不僅需要歷經緊湊的課程、並需要全科通過才能取證。
就因為不容易,所以你更需要找有一位具有教學熱誠與善於引導的咖啡導師, 白芳老師 在咖啡界的資歷十分豐富,細膩的觀察與個別化的手法來協助同學更能事半功倍 , 關於白芳老師更多資訊請此連結。
Q-Grader通過後,還需要每三年再參與一次校正考試,才能更新 Q grader 的認證效力。
自家咖啡學院已經帶出了很多Q Grader的咖啡品質鑑定士了,咖啡產業需要你的專業知識和熱情!成為Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定士,為咖啡愛好者帶來無盡的咖啡享受,同時為全球咖啡產業的可持續發展做出貢獻。加入我們,讓咖啡的世界更美味、更有價值!
CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑒定士認證課程(Arabica)
日期:2025年02月17日(一) 至 2025年02月22日(六) (共6天)
Email: cica.edu@cica.com.tw
現在報名Q Grader認證課程,Cica自家咖啡學院推出限時優惠至2025/02/10,期待學員加入,讓學員開啟專業咖啡師之旅,共創咖啡的美好體驗。課程費用包含課程期間提供優質午餐及下午美味點心。
銀行別:006合作金庫 建國分行匯款帳號:0811-717-262229匯款完畢後,請留下下列匯款資訊 !
(1) 匯款日期。
(2) 匯款金額。
(3) 匯款銀行與帳號後五碼。
(4) 發票抬頭與統一編號(如果有需要的話,請一併告知)。
• 若您需要取消報名並申請退費,請在開課日前的30天內辦理退費手續。
• 開課日前的30天內辦理退費,您將獲得100%的退款。
• 若在開課前的7天內取消報名,您可以選擇將名額轉讓給他人,但恕不接受逾期退款申請。
This course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the techniques and knowledge required for coffee quality evaluation, as well as mastery of professional grading skills. You will engage in learning about coffee theory and practical sensory evaluation training, where you’ll learn how to conduct sensory assessment of coffee, identify aromas, and assess flavors, among other aspects.
If you aspire to become a coffee quality grader and obtain Q Grader certification, please enroll in this course. We look forward to exploring the world of coffee quality with you!
The Q Grader certification originated in the United States and is issued by the “Coffee Quality Institute” (CQI). It is currently the most representative cupping specialist training program and certification system available. The Q Grader course and certification are designed to train individuals in evaluating coffee quality.
The Q Grader certification system is divided into two tracks, depending on the type of coffee being evaluated:
1. Q Arabica Grader: This track focuses on the assessment of Arabica coffee varieties, which are widely considered to produce higher-quality coffee beans with more complex flavors.
2. Q Robusta Grader: This track centers on the evaluation of Robusta coffee varieties, known for their higher caffeine content and distinct, often more robust flavors.
The Q Grader certification qualifies individuals as “Coffee Quality Assessors” or simply “Cupping Specialists,” as they specialize in conducting cupping sessions to assess the quality and characteristics of coffee samples.
By obtaining the Q Grader certification, individuals become highly skilled in coffee sensory analysis, cupping protocols, and scoring methodologies. This certification holds significant recognition within the coffee industry and opens up various career opportunities, including roles in quality control, sourcing, and consulting related to coffee production and trade.
The Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote global coffee quality and enhance the livelihoods of coffee farmers. Through providing training and technical support to coffee producers and individuals and organizations within the coffee industry, CQI aims to achieve the goals of increased coffee production, added value, and sustainable development.
CQI works towards improving coffee production by offering training programs and assistance to coffee farmers, processors, and other stakeholders in the coffee supply chain. By enhancing their skills and knowledge, CQI helps increase the quantity and quality of coffee produced. Additionally, CQI focuses on fostering sustainable practices within the coffee industry to ensure its long-term viability.
Moreover, CQI is dedicated to supporting the development of coffee-producing countries’ infrastructure, which is essential for improving the overall quality of coffee. By raising the quality of coffee produced, farmers can access higher-paying markets and increase their income, ultimately improving their standard of living and promoting economic growth within their communities.
The Q Grader certification is currently one of the world’s most rigorous coffee sensory evaluation systems. Unlike regular coffee certifications, Q Grader places greater emphasis on cupping, green bean inspection, coffee roasting analysis, and sensory evaluation, making higher-level demands on its holders.
The Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) has stringent requirements for the certification process, which involves a six-day training course and assessment. Participants not only go through intensive training but also need to pass all subjects to obtain the certification.
Because of its difficulty, it becomes crucial to seek a coffee instructor who possesses a passion for teaching and guiding. Teacher Bai Fang has extensive experience in the coffee industry, using keen observations and personalized approaches to help students achieve better results.
The Q Grader certification includes the following major categories of training and examination:
1. Four Major Cupping Exercises: Participants undergo cupping evaluations for four different coffee types: washed, African, natural (dry-processed), and Asian coffees.
2. Four Major Triangulation Exercises: Participants engage in triangulation tests for four different coffee types: washed, African, natural (dry-processed), and Asian coffees.
3. Coffee Roasting Analysis: Training on identifying and analyzing different roast levels of coffee and understanding their impact on flavor profiles.
4. Green and Roasted Coffee Grading Identification: Participants learn to grade and differentiate green and roasted coffee beans based on their physical attributes.
5. Olfactory Sensory Test: Participants are assessed on their ability to discern various aromas commonly found in coffee.
6. Gustatory Sensory Test: Participants undergo sensory evaluations using methods like “cupping spoon,” “flavor wheels,” and other techniques, to assess taste perception.
7. Organic Acids Test: Training on the identification and assessment of organic acids present in coffee.
8. Written Exam: Participants complete a comprehensive written test that includes 100 multiple-choice questions, evaluating their theoretical knowledge of coffee, its origins, processing methods, and industry standards.
Successfully completing all these components is essential to obtaining the prestigious Q Grader certification.
After passing the Q Grader certification, individuals are required to participate in a recalibration exam every three years to renew the validity of their Q Grader certification.
Your coffee academy has already produced many Q Graders, coffee quality assessors. The coffee industry needs your expertise and passion! Become a Q Grader, a coffee quality assessor, and bring endless coffee enjoyment to coffee enthusiasts while contributing to the sustainable development of the global coffee industry.
Join us to make the world of coffee more delightful and valuable!